SGiorgos 0 Newbie Poster

I am trying to write a program in arm assembly which will increase and decrease a value of a counter on a keypress. The min value of the counter is 0 and the maximum is 8. It will be used for volume adjusting.

I want to modify the following code to do this.

The follwing code is a loop from 0 to 8 .

Can anybody help? Thank you !

Sys_Bas   EQU   0x03FF0000         
 ; Sys_Bas is the default base address of on-chip peripherals 
 ; for the Evaluator_7 target board
IO_Bas    EQU   Sys_Bas + 0x5000 ; Offset for I/O registers
IOPMOD    EQU   IO_Bas           ; I/O control register address
IOPDATA   EQU   IO_Bas + 8       ; I/O data register address

		LDR r2, =0x0001fcf0		;mask for i/o         
		LDR r3, =IOPMOD			;address for mask            
		STR r2,[r3]				;store mask at address               
		LDR r5, =IOPDATA		;address for i/o  ¨o½Ü/Óµ±

loop	MOV r4, #0x01800		;bit pattern for 1     ÿÿÿÿ
		BL display				;branch and link to subroutine  6 0 0         
		MOV r4, #0x0EC00		;bit pattern for 2            
		BL display      
		MOV r4, #0x0BC00		;bit pattern for 3            
		BL display      
		MOV r4, #0x19800		;bit pattern for 4            
		BL display      
		MOV r4, #0x1B400		;bit pattern for 5            
		BL display      
		MOV r4, #0x1F400		;bit pattern for 6            
		BL display      
		MOV r4, #0x01C00		;bit pattern for 7            
		BL display      
		MOV r4, #0x1FC00		;bit pattern for 8        WVD8
		BL display      
		MOV r4, #0x17C00		;bit pattern for 0            
		BL display      
		B loop					;repeat forever                   
	; Subroutine starts   
display	LDR r7, [r5]			;load input to r7         
		AND r8, r7, #0xF		;clean up input            
		ORR r9, r4, r8, LSL #4	;shift input 4 bit left and       
								;merge with bit pattern                        
		STR r9,[r5]				;store output to i/o               
		MOV r6, #0x200000		;           
delay	SUBS r6, r6, #1			;count down from 0x200000  0   = 
		BNE delay				;so we can see numbers change  
		MOV pc, r14				;return to main program / 0 1 2 3 4 5 
			 9 : ; < 
; The following code is required when running the program
; using the AXD debugger.  It returns control to the host PC.
	MOV r0, #0x18   
	LDR	r1, =0x20026  
	SWI	0x123456 !a
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