guitarrick 0 Junior Poster in Training

Desperately need help on how to proceed with the following project:
Design and implement and ADT that represents a calendar date. Month, day, and year . Type int is o.k. e.g. 03/08/2008. Include operations that advance date by one day and display the date by using either numbers or words for the months. As an enhancement, include the name of the day......We've been writing pseudo code for ADT lists and their operations....but this is quite a jump! I don't understand if this calendar will take user input, or how to design such a beast that looks like it should represent 12 months, 365 days. I was thinking each month should be part of a list (especially since weve been working with them) and some kind of loop for the advancement of days, but I'm basically clueless here. Can someone please get me jump started??? I do know I have to use class files with a header, and .cpp, and a test .cpp with a main. Thank you!

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