CzechRock3 0 Light Poster

Hi im trying to load an Object well reading a file, But the code is not working I have used it several times but this time I am getting an error message "Invalid use of Property" and it is highlighting the 'Load' Function

Private Sub Terrain_Load()
    Dim intFileNum As Integer
    Dim strTextLine As String
    Dim Xval As Boolean
    intFileNum = FreeFile
    Open DirSave & "\Tree.czmap" For Input As #intFileNum
    Do While Not EOF(intFileNum)
        Line Input #intFileNum, strTextLine
        If Mid(strTextLine, 1, 4) = "Load" Then
            Load imgTree(imgTree.UBound + 1)
            imgTree(imgTree.UBound).Visible = True
            imgTree(imgTree.UBound).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Pictures\Landscape\1.gif")
            Xval = True
        ElseIf Xval Then
            imgTree(imgTree.UBound).Left = strTextLine
            Xval = False
            imgTree(imgTree.UBound).Top = strTextLine
        End If
    Close #intFileNum
End Sub