Valmian 0 Junior Poster in Training

ok.. it seems like with every step in my program I stuble on more and more unconrprehendable errors.. this time it is with the printf function. When I am printing:

fflush (stdout);
puts ("\nOrganized data:");
    for (int i=0; i<sdata.width; i++)
        printf ("'%s',",[i].name);
    puts ("\b");
    for (int a=0; a<sdata.rows; a++)
        for (int b=0; b<sdata.width; b++)

if I have a printf call that uses that class all works fine but if I don't call it before (at the end I won't get it printed at all since this is internal data, not for user) it showes a bunch of mambo-jambo before and after the printed segment. It seems to be a buffering problem so that is why I used fflush() but that didn't help (mayy be wrong buffer stream?).

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