jainendra.shah 0 Light Poster

hi frds,
I want to fetch a table from database to my application. Table have a very large data. So I use threading. but problem is threads execute but not fetch full table from databse. What I do?
Plz Give idea by which i complete my task of fetching database table of large records.
Thanks in advance

my code is...........

firstThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(queryfun));
 firstThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;

 public void queryfun()
            od = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select  *  from  " + lblname.Text + " ", con);
            os = new DataSet();
            //od.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 9000000;
            od.Fill(os, lblname.Text);
            dt = os.Tables[lblname.Text];
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