Derice 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hi, i am having a vb6 program on a local lan server in my company. Recently i did an enhancement to the vb6 program. The program is able write into a blank excel sheet located in the application path. It work fine previously without any problem. After the enhancement, the program work fine in the server but when we as the user access the program through the application shortcut(local lan), it prompt a error msg stating that the blank excel file used by the application to generate report is already open. User will need to choose whether to reopen / close the excel file from a msg box, neither of the option will enable the process of generating report but it work fine in the server pc. When i generate the .exe file from the source code folder, it is working fine for the server as well as the user. After i copy the .exe file into the operating folder(where the actual database reside) the problem occured. For your information, the program will access the database from a path.txt file so no matter where the .exe reside we r still able to connect to the actually database, the problem is all the user is using the shortcut pointing to the operating folder. That's y i need to move the .exe file into the operating folder. Any1 hv clue what is the problem for the application?