Sheryl99 0 Light Poster

I am trying to create a property for my UserControl that will allow me to work with data that the user selects. I have the property working correctly, in that it will drop down a list of data sources in the test project. I am working with the Northwind database in SQL. This is the code for my Property:

Dim _ds As System.Data.DataSet
    <Category("Data")> _
    Public Property DataSource() As System.Data.DataSet
            Return _ds
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As System.Data.DataSet)
            _ds = value
        End Set
    End Property

When I select an item in the list, I get this error:

Property value is not valid. Object of type System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource cannot be converted to System.Data.DataSet.

I tried changing the Property's type to System.Windows.Forms.Bindingsource, but that didn't work either. The Property wouldn't drop down and display the project data sources anymore.

I really appreciate anyone's help with this.
