rownak 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all:
I wrote the following simple program to test printdec proc (which was given by my professor). However, i am getting some unwanted characters after printing 20 (label val).
Do you guys know why i am getting those characters.

Thank you very much in advance.

%title "test program"
    .model small
    .stack 256

info    DB 13,10,9
info1   DB 'my test program',13,10,10,'$'
val     DW 20

    mov AX, @data
    mov DS, AX
    mov ah,9
    mov DX,offset info
    int 21h

    mov AX, val
    call printdec
    mov ah,4ch
    int 21h   
%title "printdec"

    .model small
;;;charbuf db 6 dup(''),'',10,13
charbuf db 6 dup(''),13,10,'$'

    PUBLIC printdec

printdec proc

;print 16-bit numbers, whether positive or negative,on the screen *
;with minus signs directly in front of negative number        *
;input: numbers to print is passed in ax register          *
;no registers are destroyed                    *

    pushf                ;save all registers
    push ax
    push bx
    push cx
    push dx
    push bp
    push di
    mov  bx,offset charbuf        ;address of buffer area
    mov  cx,3
    sub  di,di
up:     mov [word ptr bx+di],02020h ;blank the buffers between calls
    add di,2
    loop up
    sub ch,ch
    mov di,5            ;end of buffer area
    cmp ax,0
    jge go                ;skip if positive or zero
    mov ch,02dh            ;minus sign
    neg ax                ;make positive
go:    mov bp,10
top:    sub dx,dx            ;clear to prepare for division
;;;    idiv bp                ;divide-- get remainder in dx, quotient in ax
    div bp                ;divide-- get remainder in dx, quotient in ax
    add dl,30h            ;transfer data to write to screen
    mov [bx+di],dl
    dec di                ;move backwards through buffer
    cmp ax,0            ;are we done?
    jne top                ;if not do it again
    mov byte ptr[bx+di],ch        ;move minus sign
    mov dx,bx
    mov ah,09h            ;dos output character to screen
    int 21h
    pop di                ;restore register
    pop bp
    pop dx
    pop cx
    pop bx
    pop ax
    printdec endp

    end mymain
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