NewVBguy 3 Junior Poster in Training

Hi VB6 Community,

The whole idea is i want to import a txt file into access2003 using vb6 sql command. i want to use the insert into ado.command rather than using the ado.recordset because of speed. What i have in mind is to open 2 connections, one for the txt file and one for the mdb file. i am thinking creating a procedure for the mdb connection and using the txt connection as my parameter like this:
private sub Txtopencon
dim txtcon as new adodb.connection......
call mdbopencon(txtcon)
end sub
private sub mdbopencon(tcon as adodb.connection)
dim mdbcon as new adodb.connection......
'in here i want to insert that tcon in the my mdbcon
' i don't know how.. help pls
end sub

can somebody pls. show me the right code for this to work. many thnx in advance.

Note: any ideas are all welcome...


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