coonbri 0 Newbie Poster

Hello all. I am new to ASP.NET XML so I am looking for some guidance. I have an XML string that needs to read into an ASP.NET C# Gridview. The XML data actually comes from the CRM SDK crm web service (FetchXML). The XML Elements contain (dots) and attributes which seem to be the issue here. If I do a Replace on the XML and remove the DOT, I still cannot read the entire XML string into Gridview because there is an attribute with that element. (notice the ppl.amount)

Here is the XML output that was generated from FetchXML:

<resultset morerecords="0" paging-cookie="&lt;cookie page=&quot;1&quot;&gt;&lt;productid last=&quot;{CA101515-275C-DE11-B856-00237D653ED0}&quot; first=&quot;{245798D8-0660-DE11-8B1F-00237D653ED0}&quot; /&gt;&lt;/cookie&gt;">
	<name>Device with Standard Service for Warranty</name>
	<description>Device with Standard Service for Warranty</description>
	<ppl.transactioncurrencyid name="US Dollar" dsc="0">{C9D286D4-AE18-DE11-8153-00237D653ED0}</ppl.transactioncurrencyid>
	<ppl.amount formattedvalue="$0.00">0</ppl.amount>
	<name>RF Remote</name>
	<description>RF Remote</description>
	<ppl.transactioncurrencyid name="US Dollar" dsc="0">{C9D286D4-AE18-DE11-8153-00237D653ED0}</ppl.transactioncurrencyid>
	<ppl.amount formattedvalue="$25.00">25</ppl.amount>

I need some code that would read this XML properly into a dataset that I can assign to the Gridview datasource.

Here is the code I am using now:

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
StringReader rdr;
rdr = new StringReader(result1);
GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];

If I don't set AutoGenerateColumns="false" in the Gridview, it does not display the "ppl.amount" element or the ppl.transactioncurrencyid element. I need those two columns to show in the Gridview as well.

Can someone help me get this figured out please??
Thanks a lot!

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