NinjaLink -2 Posting Pro in Training

My question is, how do you calculate the "Completion Time" as I am alittle confused about it. Do I add the service times and the result is the completion times? Thank you to anyone who helps

Jobs --- Service Time -- Arrival Time -- Wait Time
J1 --- 2 --- t0 --- 0
J2 --- 5 --- t0 --- 2
J3 --- 1 --- t0 + 1 sec --- 7-1=6
J4 --- 9 --- t0 + 5 sec --- 8+4-5=7
J5 --- 2 --- t0 + 10 sec --- 13-10=3
J6 --- 2 --- t0 + 15 sec --- 15-15=0

Average Wait Time = 18/6 = 3
Completion time = ??