Neablis 0 Newbie Poster

Im writing a project in mips, and i load a bunch of inputs into memory. when i read them back out there in the same order except for the zero which ALWAYS get moved to the end of the array. I literally load the values straight into memory after reading them so i dont see how its possible.

	add 	$t0, $zero, $zero
	la 		$s3, array		#Array for values to be stored
	add 	$t1, $zero, $zero #Has zero been added yet?
	add		$t2, $zero, $zero #counter for loop


	beq		$t2, $s1, boardInputDone
	addi	$t2, $t2, 1 	#counter for loop
	li		$v0, 5 			#Get the response 
	sw 		$v0, 0($s3)
	add		$s2, $zero, $v0
	beq		$s2, $zero, zeroFound
	addi	$s3, $s3, 4
	j loop

	addi	$t3, $zero, 1
	beq		$t3, $t1, endError1
	add		$t1, $zero, $t3
	j 		loop

	beq		$t1, $zero, endError2
	j printMemory

**** user input : 15
**** user input : 0
**** user input : -150
**** user input : 52
15 -150 52 0