ashukite 0 Newbie Poster

I have an invoice form bind to a bindingsource and bindingnavigator. I use the bindingnavigator to add and save records. But I can's save data from an item combobox and total text box. The item combobox's datasource is set from the item table. It's value member is set to item id and its display member to item name. but when i hit save, the data for the item value of the invoice table is not saved.

The total text box is also a calculated value from quantity and unit price text box. at the text_change event of both unit price and quantity text box i have this code total.text = quantity.text * unitprice.text The data from the total text box is not saved also. What could be the problem with this two fields. I checked their data binding property but it is exactly the same as the others. plz help me!