sbanks_charles 0 Newbie Poster

Because I can't seem to find any good examples, I know this is something simple. Even so, I would greatly appreciate some help.
I have an array of email address that I want to use for a BCC. How do I get this array into my blind copy list? Also, is there a way NOT to show this list or protect it once the message appears? Here is what I have:

Dim alBlindCopies As New ArrayList
        Dim oApp As Outlook._Application
        oApp = New Outlook.Application()
        Dim oMsg As Outlook._MailItem
        oMsg = oApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)
        oMsg.To = My.Settings.gblEmailSendTo
        For Each row As DataRow In dtGridList.Rows
            alBlindCopies.Add(row("fldemail").ToString + "; ")
        Dim oBcc As Outlook.AddressLists


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