python_user 0 Light Poster

Hi Guys

i have a situation where i need to have a options menu kind of thing.
When they select some option in the menu i need to have a text-box/box which accepts only date/box which accepts only int beside it to accept the value

I am trying to do it like this

l = Pmw.EntryField(f,
									labelpos = 'w',
									label_text = Pmw.OptionMenu(row, 
																menubutton_textvariable = PrettyAttTypes[att] + ':',
																items = AttributeTypes, menubutton_width = 15),
									value = attrib[att],
									entry_state = self.entryStates(),
									entry_width = 35, 
									entry_disabledbackground = 'white', 
									entry_disabledforeground = 'black')
			l.pack(padx = 4, pady = 2, fill = 'x', expand = 1)

But it doesnot seems to work
Please let me know if anybody have any other ideas how to do this situation
or correct code for the above code

Thank you

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