tet3828 0 Newbie Poster

I've created a dynamic object with properties using the following code:

// For each jpeg in the directory...
            foreach (string name in array1)
// select row where jpeg name is equal IF FOUND:    
                adapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT shift1 FROM ShiftTable WHERE imgName = \'" + (name) + "\'", conn);
// write to dataSet
                adapter.Fill(shiftData, "ShiftLat" + x);              
// Distribute Data into dataSet 
                DataRow dRow = shiftData.Tables["ShiftLat" + x].Rows[0];
// Create new screenCapture object and assign properties
                ScreenCapture screenCapture = new ScreenCapture();
// Generate Soft Name
                screenCapture.softName = ("Shift_" + x);
                screenCapture.shiftLat = (dRow.ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString());
// Pass softName to ListBox
                shiftList.Items.Add (screenCapture.softName);

Later in the code the softName is passed to a listBox.
What I want to do from here is when the item is selected in the list box, other properties related to the selected softName object are passed to text fields within the form.

My problem is: I can't figure out how to pass the other properties of the selected object to the text fields. So far I have only been able to pass one property at a time like so:

private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
         ShiftLatForm.Text = (shiftList.selctedItem.toString());   

..even later in the program I want the ability to send the data back to the dataSet where it will eventually be written to an MDB file. But maybe I'll figure out how to do that using what I learn form this post. I'll focus on one problem at a time for now.