bubbleT 0 Newbie Poster

In my C++ program, I'm using ShellExecute command with last parameter as SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED to open a web page (.aspx).

ShellExecute(NULL,"open","http://localhost/WebApp/default.aspx?Page=0",NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);

The Internet explorer can open this web page in its maximized state if I did not set the Window Title of IE in the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title).

Once I set Window Title in the registry, the IE will not be in its maximized state. It's size will follow the previous IE size. I tried to use FindWindow to get its handle and maximize it but it ended up opening 2 IE instead (can see 2 iexplore.exe in Task Manager). Can anyone help?