jamshed ahmed 0 Junior Poster in Training

hi to all i developed windows application in vs2005 it was working fine with crystal report merged module and it was successfully deployed now i have problem with that since i have opend it in vs2008. and want to know the follwing things

1.when i open the project of vs2005 in vs2008 and i looked at properties of project solution Target frame work is set as 2.0 should i change it in 3.0 or not

2. in vs2005 i have deplyed my project with crystal report by including merged module with this file CrystalReportsRedist2005_x86.msm. but now i have problem in order to deploye same application in vs2008 with crystal report please help me about thes two problem i have tried and searchd alot but i still not succefull

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