Zumla 0 Newbie Poster


I am currently using Delphi Prism to try and extract file properties.
Below is the code I am currently using which should work, however, the compiler generates an error:
Error 1 (PE190) "DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties" is an interface and cannot be instantiated C:\Users\Zumla\Desktop\Comp4\.Net Project\Computing4\Computing4\Main.pas 114 63 Computing4

Help would be much appreciated

Thank you!

  DocP : DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties;
  //Collect Information Using DSOFile
  DocP := New  DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties(Input.Text);
  DocP.Open((Input.Text).Trim, True, DSOFile.dsoFileOpenOptions.dsoOptionOpenReadOnlyIfNoWriteAccess);

   //Get Author
   FileAuthor.Text := DocP.SummaryProperties.Author;   
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