dejanc 0 Newbie Poster


I have below code for form login using validation from access database. In database I have now three columns, for user, for password, and new one for department.

Can someone show me how can I add also a deparment for login validation?

Maybe to adda combobox under password and userid, and that user will have to enter ID, Password, and choose from combobox a department to which belong.

If UserIDTextBox.Text = "" Then
            ErrorProvider1.SetError(UserIDTextBox, "No UserID")
            Me.ActiveControl = UserIDTextBox
            If PasswordTextBox.Text = "" Then
                ErrorProvider2.SetError(PasswordTextBox, "No password")
                Me.ActiveControl = PasswordTextBox

                Dim login = Me.LoginIDTableAdapter1.UsernamePasswordString(UserIDTextBox.Text, PasswordTextBox.Text)
                If login Is Nothing Then
                    MsgBox("Error login.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical + vbOKOnly, "Error login")
                    MsgBox("Successfull login. " + UserIDTextBox.Text.ToUpper, MsgBoxStyle.Information + vbOKOnly, "Successfull login")
                End If
            End If
        End If

Thank you in advance for help.

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