ryan311 -7 Posting Whiz in Training

i manage to put a data in listview. i have a problem in searching a data.

here is my code:

Dim sda As New SqlDataAdapter
        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim dt As New DataTable
        Dim NumberRow As DataRow

        objCon = New SqlConnection(conStr)
        obj = objCon.CreateCommand()
        strSQL = "(Select * from Supplier where sup_code = '" & textbox1.text & "' OR sup_name = '" & textbox1.text & "')"

        obj.CommandText = strSQL
        sda.SelectCommand = obj
        sda.Fill(ds, "Supplier")
        dt = ds.Tables("Supplier")


        For Each NumberRow In ds.Tables("supplier").Rows
            ListView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(NumberRow.ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString().ToUpper()))
            ListView1.Items(ListView1.Items.Count - 1).SubItems.Add(NumberRow.ItemArray.GetValue(1).ToString().ToUpper())
            ListView1.Items(ListView1.Items.Count - 1).SubItems.Add(NumberRow.ItemArray.GetValue(2).ToString().ToUpper())
            ListView1.Items(ListView1.Items.Count - 1).SubItems.Add(NumberRow.ItemArray.GetValue(3).ToString().ToUpper())

all i want is every time i input a data in my textbox the data in the listview will focus of what he inputted in textbox. for example i inputted 1 in my textbox in the listview it will highlights all the column in 1. can anyone help me?