swathys -17 Junior Poster


i'm facing a problem when i run this code and the error message is Wrong Decrypt Passphase. this code is working well on my previous project. i have no idea what have missed out...Any idea's!!!!!!

Public Function LoadRemoteSQLParam() As String
        Dim nSQL As New entry32.StrSQL_D
        Dim sqlRemote As String

        Dim RemoteIPAddress As String = nCrypto.ExecuteDecryptor(nSQL.SQL_RemoteIPAddress, DecryptPass)
        Dim RemotePort As String = nCrypto.ExecuteDecryptor(nSQL.SQL_RemotePort, DecryptPass)
        Dim RemoteDatabase As String = "Credit" 
        Dim RemoteUID As String = nCrypto.ExecuteDecryptor(nSQL.SQL_RemoteUserName, DecryptPass)
        Dim RemotePwd As String = nCrypto.ExecuteDecryptor(nSQL.SQL_RemotePassword, DecryptPass)
        sqlRemote = "Data Source=" & RemoteIPAddress & ", " & RemotePort & _
                    "; Network Library=DBMSSOCN" & _
                    "; Initial Catalog=" & RemoteDatabase & _
                    "; User ID=" & RemoteUID & _
                    "; Password=" & RemotePwd

        sSQLServer = RemoteIPAddress
        sSQLDatabase = RemoteDatabase
        sSQLUser = RemoteUID
        sSQLPassword = RemotePwd

        Return sqlRemote
    End Function