shena 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hi experts out there,
I'm populating records from access db. The condition is that if the first column has been filled with 5 pairs of records (10 rows and a row of gap between each record), then move to next column and so on. How do i accomplish this? Kindly help anyone. I tried as per below code for one column, i couldn't continue thereafter...

Function createRpt(ByVal boxid As Integer, ByRef ws As Worksheet)
Dim iSwitchAt As Integer
iSwitchAt = getSwitchAt(boxid)
Dim sql As String
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim iRow, iColsSerialNo, iRec As Integer
Dim prev, cur, iNo As Integer
Dim iSwitch As Boolean
iRow = 14
iSwitch = False
iColsSerialNo = 2
iNo = 0
iRec = 0
prev = 0
Call OpenConnection
sql = "Select * from tbl where boxid =" & boxid & "  order by sequenceno,cartonid"
With rs
    .Open sql, conndb, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
    Do While Not .EOF
        cur = !cartonid
        If cur <> prev Then
        iRow = iRow + 1
        iNo = iNo + 1
        End If
        If iNo = iSwitchAt And iSwitch = False Then
        iRow = 15
        iColsSerialNo = 4
        iSwitch = True
        End If

        ws.Cells(iRow, iColsSerialNo).Value = !field01
        iRow = iRow + 1     
        prev = !cartonid
        iRec = iRec + 1
End With
Call CloseConnection
End Function
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