danbyo1990 0 Newbie Poster

Hey Guys,
I found an interesting website that has a tutorial for Genetic Algorithm.
Here is the article: http://www.realintelligence.net/tut_genetic
This is the code of its author. I can combine, but there are an errors that I can't fix it. Anyone could help me to fix this.
Here is the code in Genetic.cpp

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Genetic algorithms tutorial
* A sudoku solver.
* written by Lefteris of Real Intelligence Project
* you can email for questions/or suggestions
* at :  lefteris@realintelligence.net
* or:   lefkar@msn.com
* You can tweak the program by playing with the genetic
* parameters which are defined as macros in both main
* and Genetic.h. Moreover you can add new puzzles for solving
* by editing the sudokuRepresentation array.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#include "Genetic.h"

Chromosome::Chromosome(int unknowns)
    size = unknowns;

    representation = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*unknowns); //allocate memory for the representation

    fitness = NO_FITNESS_YET;



Chromosome& Chromosome::operator=(const Chromosome& c)
        for(int i = 0 ; i < c.size; i++)
            *(representation+i) = *(c.representation+i);

       size = c.size;
       fitness = c.fitness;

       return *this;

void Chromosome::evaluate(int* startingSetup)
    int fit = 0; //that's what will be counting our fitness, the more you have the better off you are
    penalty = 0;

    int lineskip = 9;
   // int* chromo = (genePool.at(chromoNum))->representation;
    int numbers[9]; //holds the numbers which are being used, just to check for abidance or not of the sudoku rules
    int chromoOff;

    for(int j = 0; j <10 ; j++)
            numbers[j] = 0; //zero out the numbers holder

    int offset = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)//lets check all the 9 squares to assign the square rule fitness

        for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
            if(*(startingSetup+offset+k*lineskip) != X )//if the corresponding number is given from the starting setup
                numbers[*(startingSetup+offset+k*lineskip)] ++;
            else//it comes from the chromosome

            if(*(startingSetup+offset+1+k*lineskip) != X )//if the corresponding number is given from the starting setup
                numbers[*(startingSetup+offset+1+k*lineskip)] ++;
            else//it comes from the chromosome

            if(*(startingSetup+offset+2+k*lineskip) != X )//if the corresponding number is given from the starting setup
                numbers[*(startingSetup+offset+2+k*lineskip)] ++;
            else//it comes from the chromosome

        //now for every number existing only once in the current square add points
        for(int j = 1; j <10 ; j++)
            if(numbers[j] == 1)
                fit += SQUARE_RULE_POINTS;

            numbers[j] = 0; //zero it out for the next iteration

        //also increase the offset to start in the next square in next iteration
        if(offset == 6 || offset == 33 || offset == 51)//if(offset%6 == 0 && offset != 0)
            offset += 2*lineskip +3; //if we reached the end of the big square gotta go to the lower squares
            offset += 3;


    //now let's go for the rows rule
    for(int j = 0; j < 9; j ++)
        for(int i = 0; i < 9; i ++)
            if(*(startingSetup+i+(lineskip*j)) != X)
                 numbers[*(startingSetup+i+(j*lineskip))] ++;


         //now for every number existing only once in the current row
        for(int k = 1; k <10 ; k++)
            if(numbers[k] == 1)
                fit += ROW_RULE_POINTS;

            numbers[k] = 0; //zero it out for the next iteration


    //finally let's get the columns rule
    for(int j = 0; j < 9; j ++)
        for(int i = 0; i < 9; i ++)
            if(*(startingSetup+j+(lineskip*i)) != X)
                 numbers[*(startingSetup+j+(i*lineskip))] ++;

         //now for every number existing only once in the current column
        for(int k = 1; k <10 ; k++)
            if(numbers[k] == 1)
                fit += COLUMN_RULE_POINTS;

            numbers[k] = 0; //zero it out for the next iteration

    fitness = fit;

void Chromosome::getChromoOffset(int pos,int* setup,int &offset)
    offset = 0;
    for(int i =0; i<=pos; i++)
        if(*(setup+i) == -1)

//Population constructor
Population::Population(int populationNumber,int *rules)
    srand((unsigned)time(0)); //just seeding the random function with the current system time
    startingSetup = rules;

    int* currentChromo;

    int unknowns;
    this->populationNumber = populationNumber;

    for(int k = 0; k < populationNumber; k ++)
        genePool.at(k) = new Chromosome(unknowns);
        currentChromo = (genePool.at(k))->representation;
        for(int i =0; i < unknowns; i++)

            *(currentChromo+i) =  1+int(9*rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1)); //random number from 1 to 9


//Returns the fittest chromosome in our population
Chromosome* Population::getFittest()
    int bestFitness = 0;
    Chromosome* best;
    for(int i = 0; i < populationNumber; i++)
        if((genePool.at(i))->fitness > bestFitness)
           bestFitness = (genePool.at(i))->fitness;
           best = genePool.at(i);

    return best;

//roule selection and recombination
void Population::selectAndRecombine(int crossoverpoints,int mutationRate,bool injectNewGeneticMaterial,bool superMutation)
    int popSize = genePool.size();
    int totalFitness = 0;
    int chromoSize = (genePool.at(0))->size;//just a variable holding the chromosome size
    //first of all let's clear the roulette

    std::vector<Chromosome*> newGenePool;
    Chromosome* Parent1,*Parent2;
    Chromosome* Child1,*Child2;

    //evaluate the genePool
    for(int i = 0; i < popSize; i++)

    //now let's find the total fitness
    for(int i = 0; i < popSize; i ++)
        totalFitness += (genePool.at(i))->fitness;

    int ratio = totalFitness/(RAND_MAX/2);

    int cFitness= 0;
    int prFitness = 0;
    for(int i =0 ; i< popSize; i++)
            prFitness = cFitness;
            cFitness +=(genePool.at(i))->fitness;

            for(int j=prFitness/ratio;j<cFitness/ratio;j++)

        else//give equal chance to all
      //  int from = prFitness/ratio;
        //int to = cFitness/ratio;
       // int eleos = 5;


    int rouletteSize = rouletteWheel.size();


    std::vector<Chromosome*> newM;

    for(int i = 0; i < popSize; i +=2)//let's create a new population, the +=2 is since from 2 parents we get 2 children , so each run creates 2 new chromosomes
        //random number from 0 to roulettesize-1
        Parent1 = genePool.at(     rouletteWheel.at( int((rouletteSize*rand())/(RAND_MAX + 1)) )  );
            //random number from 0 to roulettesize-1
            Parent2 = genePool.at(  rouletteWheel.at( int((rouletteSize*rand())/(RAND_MAX + 1)) )  );
            newM.push_back(new Chromosome(chromoSize));

            for(int j = 0; j < chromoSize; j ++)
               * ((newM.at(i/2))->representation+j) =  1+int(9*rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1)); //random number from 1 to 9
            Parent2 = newM.at(i/2);

        //these represent the possible crossover points
        std::vector<int> crossPoints;
        for(int j = 0; j < chromoSize; j++)
                crossPoints.at(j) = j;

        std::vector<int> points;//this will hold the actual crossover points in the chromosome

        int currentSize = chromoSize; //since the size will diminish the more crossover points we give

        //for the number of crossover points given, randomly select their positions
        for(int j = 0; j < crossoverpoints; j ++)

           int randReturn = int((currentSize*rand())/(RAND_MAX + 1));//random num from 0 to currentSize -1
           points.at(j) = crossPoints.at(randReturn); //add that randomly chosen point to the temporary vectors
           currentSize-=1;//reduce the size of the random pool by 1
           crossPoints.erase(crossPoints.begin()+randReturn);//and remove the chosen crossover point from the random pool


        int swapped = true;
        //bubble sort the crossover points so that they are in increasing order in the vector
            int temp;
            swapped = false;
            for(int j = 0; j< (points.size()-1); j++)

                if(points.at(j) > points.at(j+1))
                    swapped = true;
                    temp = points.at(j+1);
                    points.at(j+1) = points.at(j);
                    points.at(j) = temp;

        int offset = 0;
        Child1 = newGenePool.at(i) = new Chromosome(chromoSize);
        Child2 = newGenePool.at(i+1) = new Chromosome(chromoSize);
        int* source;
        int* destination;

        //Performing recombination
        for(int s = 0; s<= crossoverpoints; s++)

            if(s != crossoverpoints)
                destination = Child1->representation;

                if(s%2 == 0)
                    source = Parent1->representation;
                    source = Parent2->representation;


                destination = Child2->representation;

                if(s%2 == 0)
                    source = Parent2->representation;
                    source = Parent1->representation;

                offset = points.at(s);
                destination = Child1->representation;
                 if(s%2 == 0)
                    source = Parent1->representation;
                    source = Parent2->representation;

                destination = Child2->representation;
                if(s%2 == 0)
                    source = Parent2->representation;
                    source = Parent1->representation;



    if(mutationRate != 0)
        for(int i =0;i<popSize;i++)
            int eleos = 0;
            for(int j =0; j< chromoSize; j ++)
                int randy = int((RAND_MAX*rand())/(RAND_MAX + 1));

                if( mutationRate > randy )//if it happens to mutate
                    *((newGenePool.at(i))->representation+j) = 1+int(9*rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1)); //give it any number from 1 to 9

   int newFitness = 0;

   //let's evaluate the new gene pool
   for(int i = 0; i < popSize; i++)

    std::vector<Chromosome*> tempPool;
    for(int i = 0; i < popSize; i ++)
        tempPool.at(i) = new Chromosome(chromoSize);
        *(tempPool.at(i)) = *(genePool.at(i));

       // printf("%d \n\r",(tempPool.at(i))->fitness);
       // Sleep(1000);

    Chromosome* best;//will keep the best chromosome for transfer
    int bFit;
    int index = 0;
    bool foundInSecond= false;

    for(int i =0; i < popSize; i++)
        bFit = 0;
        foundInSecond = false;

        for(int j = 0; j < tempPool.size(); j++)
            if((tempPool.at(j))->fitness > bFit)
                    best = tempPool.at(j);
                    bFit = (tempPool.at(j))->fitness;
                    foundInSecond = false;
                    index = j;

        for(int j = 0; j < newGenePool.size(); j++)
            if((newGenePool.at(j))->fitness > bFit)
                    best = newGenePool.at(j);
                    bFit = (newGenePool.at(j))->fitness;
                    foundInSecond = true;
                    index = j;

        //move it to the new genepool
        *(genePool.at(i)) = *best;
        //remove it from wherever it was found
            delete tempPool[index];

            delete newGenePool[index];



            for(int i =0;i<popSize;i++)
                int eleos = 0;
                for(int j =0; j< chromoSize; j ++)
                    int randy = int((RAND_MAX*rand())/(RAND_MAX + 1));

                   if( superMutationRate > randy )//if it happens to mutate

                        *((genePool.at(i))->representation+j) = 1+int(9*rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1)); //give it any number from 1 to 9



//Just prints the particular chromosome's solution
//to the sudoky puzzle
 void Population::printSolution(Chromosome* chromo)
    int* rep = chromo->representation;
    int chOff = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i <81; i ++)
        if(*(startingSetup+i) != X)
            printf("%d  ",*(startingSetup+i));
            printf("%d  ",*(rep+chOff));
            chOff ++;

        if((i+1)%3 ==0)
            printf("   ");
        if((i+1) % 9 == 0 )

        if((i+1) % 27 == 0)

//Clears the pool and frees memory, since memory leaks are bad
void Population::clearPool(std::vector<Chromosome*> &a,int size)
        Chromosome* c;

    size = a.size();
    for(size_t j = 0 ;j < a.size();j++)
        delete a[j];



Here is the code in Genetic.h

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Genetic algorithms tutorial
* A sudoku solver.
* written by Lefteris of Real Intelligence Project
* you can email for questions/or suggestions
* at :  lefteris@realintelligence.net
* or:   lefkar@msn.com
* You can tweak the program by playing with the genetic
* parameters which are defined as macros in both main
* and Genetic.h. Moreover you can add new puzzles for solving
* by editing the sudokuRepresentation array.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>//for malloc
#include <time.h>//for time()
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#define X   -1 //represents a number we don't know, a blank in sudoku
#define getUnknowns(s,count)  {count = 0;\
                               for(int i=0;i<81;i++){\
                               if(*(s+i) == -1)count++;}}

#define chromoPrint(TEXT,chromosome,points,crossoverpoints)      {printf(TEXT);\
                                int pCounter = 0;\
                                for(int j = 0; j < chromoSize; j++)\
                                    if(j == points.at(pCounter))\
                                        if(pCounter < crossoverpoints-1)\
                                    printf("%d ",*((chromosome->representation)+j));\

#define NO_FITNESS_YET  -1
#define SQUARE_RULE_POINTS  20 //these points denote the fitness for not breaking the square rule
#define ROW_RULE_POINTS    20//these points denote the fitness for not breaking the row rule
#define COLUMN_RULE_POINTS  20//these points denote the fitness for not breaking the column rule

#define superMutationRate 32000

class Chromosome
        int* representation;
        int size;
        int fitness;
        int penalty;

        //constructor and destructor
        Chromosome(int unknowns);
        //operator overloading just so we can assign chromosomes in the population
        Chromosome& operator=(const Chromosome& c);
        //the evaluation function
        void evaluate(int* startingSetup);
        //helper function to get the offset of the chromosome
        //when seen in the whole filled sudoku puzzle
        void getChromoOffset(int pos,int* setup,int &offset);


class Population
        //our starting sudoku puzzle
        int* startingSetup;
        //the population count
        int populationNumber;
        //the actual chromosome population
        std::vector<Chromosome*> genePool;
        //this is our selection method
        //a roulette wheel selection
        std::vector<int> rouletteWheel;
        Population(int populationNumber,int* rules);
        //performs Selection of chromosomes, recombinations
        //and mutations and creates the next generation of solutions
        void selectAndRecombine(int crossoverpoints,int mutationRate,bool newMaterial,bool superMutation);
        //Returns the fittest chromosome in our population
        Chromosome* getFittest();
        //prints the solution to the sudoku puzzle that the
        //parameter chromosome reperesents
        void printSolution(Chromosome* chromo);
        //clears the given population gene pool
        //since memory leaks are bad
        void clearPool(std::vector<Chromosome*>& a, int size);


Here is the code of main.cpp

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Genetic algorithms tutorial
* A sudoku solver.
* written by Lefteris of Real Intelligence Project
* you can email for questions/or suggestions
* at :  lefteris@realintelligence.net
* or:   lefkar@msn.com
* You can tweak the program by playing with the genetic
* parameters which are defined as macros in both main
* and Genetic.h. Moreover you can add new puzzles for solving
* by editing the sudokuRepresentation array.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#include "Genetic.h"

//the number of chromosomes in each generation
#define populationN    1500//2000
#define crossoverPoints 14

Wikipedia sudoku:
800 population
14 crossover
int sudokuRepresentation[] = {
    5,3,X,      X,7,X,      X,X,X,
    6,X,X,      1,9,5,      X,X,X,
    X,9,8,      X,X,X,      X,6,X,

    8,X,X,      X,6,X,      X,X,3,
    4,X,X,      8,X,3,      X,X,1,
    7,X,X,      X,2,X,      X,X,6,

    X,6,X,      X,X,X,      2,8,X,
    X,X,X,      4,1,9,      X,X,5,
    X,X,X,      X,8,X,      X,7,9
int sudokuRepresentation[] ={
    X,7,X,      6,X,X,      X,3,X,
    X,X,4,      3,X,X,      9,X,X,
    3,2,X,      X,X,7,      5,6,X,

    X,4,X,      X,1,X,      X,X,X,
    X,X,8,      X,X,X,      7,X,X,
    X,X,X,      X,3,X,      X,2,X,

    X,6,2,      8,X,X,      X,1,9,
    X,X,7,      X,X,9,      6,X,X,
    X,8,X,      X,X,3,      X,7,X,

int sudokuRepresentation[] ={
    5,X,X,      X,X,2,      6,X,X,
    X,X,X,      X,6,5,      X,3,1,
    X,1,X,      X,X,3,      X,7,5,

    X,X,X,      X,X,1,      X,2,X,
    8,X,X,      3,X,7,      X,X,6,
    X,3,X,      4,X,X,      X,X,X,

    3,6,X,      7,X,X,      X,8,X,
    2,8,X,      5,3,X,      X,X,X,
    X,X,4,      2,X,X,      X,X,7,

int sudokuRepresentation[] ={
    8,7,X,      X,X,X,      X,X,X,
    X,6,3,      X,2,X,      X,X,X,
    5,X,X,      7,X,X,      X,X,6,

    X,1,X,      3,6,5,      X,9,X,
    X,X,X,      X,X,X,      X,X,X,
    X,5,X,      1,9,8,      X,6,X,

    2,X,X,      X,X,6,      X,X,3,
    X,X,X,      X,7,X,      4,5,X,
    X,X,X,      X,X,X,      X,7,1,

int sudokuRepresentation[] ={
    X,6,X,      X,X,9,      X,1,8,
    2,X,X,      X,X,X,      X,X,X,
    3,X,X,      X,X,1,      6,X,X,

    X,X,X,      X,5,X,      X,2,1,
    X,2,X,      X,8,X,      X,9,X,
    5,4,X,      X,3,X,      X,X,X,

    X,X,7,      4,X,X,      X,X,5,
    X,X,X,      X,X,X,      X,X,9,
    4,3,X,      6,X,X,      X,8,X,
int main()

    Population pop(populationN ,(int*)sudokuRepresentation);

    int fitness = 0;
    int generations = 0;
    int mutation = 100;
    int samePenaltyCount = 0;
    int prPenalty = 999;
    int backTrackCount = 0;

    int penalty = 99;
    while(penalty > 0 )
        if(samePenaltyCount > 50)
            samePenaltyCount = 0;
            pop.selectAndRecombine(crossoverPoints,mutation,true,true);//100/32765 seems to be nice

        printf("Best Fitness in generation %d is %d  with backtracks: %d \n\r",generations,(pop.getFittest())->fitness,backTrackCount);
        penalty = (pop.getFittest())->penalty;

        if(penalty == prPenalty)
            samePenaltyCount = 0;

        prPenalty = penalty;

        printf("The penalty of the fittest one is %d \n\r",penalty);

    return 0;


Could anyone please combine code of these 3 files and runs it. I got EXC_ARITHMETIC problem. I think it's the problem of division by zero. I forgot to tell you guys that this is a sudoku solver.