porterrj 0 Newbie Poster

Hi I'm new to C++ and to here.

I have an assignment.

Make a rectangle using Functions.

Have the user imput the row size and column width.

It should look something like this (It's supposed to be a rectangle...hollow) :

*               *
*               *
*               *

I'm only able to get this:


here's my code ( I know it's something in my FOR loop) :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//Function prototype

void displayStars (int, int);

int main ()
int row, column;

cout << "Enter the number of rows and columns: ";
cin >> row >> column;

while (column < 2 || column > 60 && row < 2 || row > 60)
cout << "Invalid values for rows and columns" <<endl;
cout << "Please enter values between 2 - 60: " ;
cin >> row >>column;

displayStars(row, column);
return 0;

//Definition of function displayStars

//This function displays a square made of astericks

void displayStars (int rows, int cols)
//Nested loop.  The outer loop controls the rows
//and the inner loop controls the columns.

for (int across = 0; across < rows; across++)
for (int down = 0; down < cols; down++)
cout << "*";
cout <<endl;