sai.ande 0 Newbie Poster
    <% foreach (var dir in new DirectoryInfo("C:/Photos").GetDirectories()) { %>
    <table cellpadding = "5" border = "5"><tr>
    <td><img src="FolderIcon1.png" alt = "icon" height = "100" width = "100"/></td>
     <td>  Directory: <%= dir.Name %><br /></td>
    <td> <img src="sparrow34.jpg" alt = "sparrow" height = "50" width = "50"/></td>

      <% foreach (var file in dir.GetFiles()) { %>

       <td> File name: <%= file.Name %> </td>
        <% } %>

    <% } %></tr>
    <%int fCount = Directory.GetFiles("C:/Photos", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length; %>
    <%Response.Write(fCount); %>

I have written above code and able to display each folder in a folder column however all the files of particular folder are displayed in single column rather than single column for each file. I know I should be using FileInfo[] but I am not able to get the actual code. Please help in this regard.