deutsch 0 Newbie Poster

I didn't get any response on my last post, so I'll try one

I can't figure out why the comparison is failing. I would
like to be able to use the extended ASCII characters instead
of intergers if the API allows it.


sec BYTE "Wie Viel",0 ; [Section]
key BYTE "Nummer",0 ; weights=5
value BYTE 0E9h,00h ; Null term string Alt 233,234 0E9h 0EAh
file BYTE "win1.ini",0
valueOK BYTE "Value is OK.",0
Sample BYTE "Box",0


fn WritePrivateProfileString, Offset sec, ADDR key, ADDR value, ADDR file
fn GetPrivateProfileInt,Offset sec,ADDR key,0,ADDR file

.if EAX==0E9h ;Show a message if stored value is OK

invoke MessageBox, 0, ADDR valueOK, ADDR Sample,MB_ICONINFORMATION

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