compulove 0 Junior Poster in Training


I wanted some advice on testing procedures my team should start to use. Currently we have a web tool that customers use and is active now but we find that we have make code changes weekly and sometimes daily depending on workstoppages so it is always in development.

We have just started to implement Agile software development and has thus far increased our velocity 100% so that has been good. We have also automated testing in development but we found out that our developers have not been doing unit testing. This has been a big problem and we have seen the consequences of not unit testing. Our devs have had some resistance because it can be time consuming.

Does anyone have any suggestions for possible unit testing that we can develop from code that is already written? We obviously are going to start unit testing from now on but is there anything we can do to pick up where we are now aside from coded UI testing in automated tests?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!