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Recently we created a Crystal Report that supports a custom papersize (Half A4 papersize) and attached to our Windows app.

When we deployed to a server machine,
(the server machine contains application installed and the user logged into the server by remote desktop connection to use the application , while the** printer is attached to a seperate machine shared)
the use has to always pick the custom paper size each and every time to print , **if not it set as "Letter" even it is set to default in the server machine and the printer connected machine


frmReportNew frmGRN_ERP = new frmReportNew(); // create a instance of the cystal Report viewer
frmGRN_ERP.MdiParent = this.MdiParent;
frmGRN_ERP.ReportDocument = new report.VGRN.ALCDAT.Pre_V_rptGRN_WBCALC(); // report file named "Pre_V_rptGRN_WBCALC"

frmGRN_ERP.ReportDocument.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.DefaultPaperSize;

frmGRN_ERP.ReportDocument.SetParameterValue("GRNNO", txtShpShipNo.Text.Trim());
frmGRN_ERP.ReportDocument.SetParameterValue("VatRegNo", vatCode);
frmGRN_ERP.TopMost = true;


How can we resolve this issue where user will NOT have to set it to the default paper size always

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