lewashby 56 Junior Poster

I've got a guy that has been kind enfough to start teaching me Linux administration and programming. I want's me to write a pseudocode program to take any numberand print it out as a string. I'M woing to attached my pdf version and read below to see his email. I am not looking for you to give me the answere here but I just don't kwnow what else he wants.

Do you remember how we tested the 'validate date' program?
We got a date, 'fed it' to 'the program' (ran it on paper) and we got a
REAL result that stated 'valid' or 'invalid'

Please feed the number: 100,100,100.00
to your 'program' and show me, following ONLY the directions in your paper,
how it turns into:
One hundred million, one hundred thousand, one hundred and 00 cents.

I will need to be able to feed my own numbers and get my own results without
your assistance.
If I can't cook my own pancake following your cookbook without calling you,
then your cookbook is wrong and/or incomplete.

PS: You will probably need to place you instructions in 'flow chart' symbols
to make it understandable.