vividiah 0 Junior Poster in Training

I made a report in VB6 program using crystal report.
Here I've made a connection between crystal reports,
This is my coding

CR_Summary.ReportFileName = "E: \ Report \ payments1.rpt" 
CR_Summary.Connect = "& OpenDB &" 
CR_Summary.WindowState = crptMaximized 
CR_Summary.ReplaceSelectionFormula "iCHECK_PAYMENT.PAYMENT_TYPE {} ​​= '" & C_Payment.Text & "'" 
CR_Summary.Action = 1 

My connection is "OpenDB"
when the program is run and want to see the report it appears the error message "Error Detected by Database DLL" and this error "Can not open sql server"
I do not know why I can display an error message like that, when I tried another report using the same coding but can be opened.
please solution of this problem,
