RikTelner 20 Posting Pro in Training

Hello there,

If you have just little of your time, it's big topic, you may not have willingness to answer it at all.

Question #1

I'm wondering if it's possible to obfuscate own "modules" with Visual C#. Like, just take for example, if you download offline version of Skype, which has all it's files included, it is just one file, when it installs, it is able to install all kinds of .exe's and .dll's and .cfg's and all other. Now if you open these .dll's and you put one letter away, save it and put exactly same character back, this file won't work anymore. Still, it is exactly same script, and somehow that undecodable for us and our programs files are somehow for good use to Skype. That means that we can't read it, our programs can't, but Skype works just fine when it's along.

How is such thing possibly done in C#? I would like to write something like this.

Question #2

Whenever I export program, there are always same files: project.exe, project.exe.config, project.pdb, project.vshost.exe, project.vshost.exe.config, project.vshost.exe.config. Is there a way to change that layout? Just kick it all into 1 single file?

Question #3

I still don't get nutjack of what "namespaces" are. Tutor in "C# Essential Training" had said that namespaces help your variables not to colide one with another. That's all I heard about it ever since. I would imagine it's something like section, but could someone shine me more light on it?

Question #4

(If it's possible to mash entire project into one file from Question #3)
How do I pass variables from another file to another, assuming main file has them all included by using or any other.
And they are same program, but let's say, that main program is like a hub for 3 other programs, so in total there would be 4 programs, how do I get my hub program, give through to e.g. formatting program, that users license is POTAT-OISNO-TSUGA-RYES?
I know I need to encrypt it before sending, so that cracker would have harder time, but I'm just talking about theory now.