Zarkon 0 Newbie Poster

Ok guys, i'm newbie in perl si i've got one question. Look at that code

#!perl -w
use Win32::API;

 $CreateProcess = new Win32::API('Kernel32', 'CreateProcess', 'PPSSIDIPSS', 'N');
 if(not defined $CreateProcess) {
    die "Failed to load library CreateProcess: $!\n";

 my $strup = Win32::API::Struct->typedef('STARTUPINFO', qw(
  DWORD cb;
  LPTSTR lpReserved;
  LPTSTR lpDesktop;
  LPTSTR lpTitle;
  DWORD dwX;
  DWORD dwY;
  DWORD dwXSize;
  DWORD dwYSize;
  DWORD dwXCountChars;
  DWORD dwYCountChars;
  DWORD dwFillAttribute;
  DWORD dwFlags;
  WORD wShowWindow;
  WORD cbReserved2;
  LPBYTE lpReserved2;
  HANDLE hStdInput;
  HANDLE hStdOutput;
  HANDLE hStdError;

 my $procinfo = Win32::API::Struct->typedef('PROCESS_INFORMATION', qw(
  HANDLE hProcess;
  HANDLE hThread;
  DWORD dwProcessId;
  DWORD dwThreadId;

The number 16 in the CreateProcess parameters is CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x00000010 as is described in the msdn.

The problem is when i start the script there is an error. Why ?!

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