You're quite welcome. You Text3 value is actually the reversing of pairs, not a simple reverse of the string. Try this:

    'This assumes Text1 will always be 18 characters long. Test for it or pad it to 18 characters.
    Dim tmp As String
    Text1.Text = "80ad0120327405c1d8"
    'Last 8 characters
    Text2.Text = Right$(Text1.Text, 8)
    'Simple reverse of the 8 character string
    Text3.Text = StrReverse(Text2.Text)
    'Revering pairs of the 8 characters
    For j = 9 To 1 Step -2
        tmp$ = tmp$ & Mid$(Text2.Text, j, 2)
    Text4.Text = tmp$

thank you very much. I will try to compile now

You're welcome.

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