Arun_267 0 Newbie Poster


While compiling the code for accessing files from a wacom intuos2 tablet i am getting the following error. This error persists for other programs that i have downloaded from the net.

The error is as follows:
File format not recognized
ld returned 1 exit status
C:\ONLINE\ [Build Error] [online.exe] Error 1

The compile Log is:
Compiler: Default compiler
Building Makefile: "C:\ONLINE\"
Executing make...
make.exe -f "C:\ONLINE\" all
g++.exe src/txt2Image.o src/online.o src/onlinesig.o src/Signal.o -o "online.exe" -L"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib" -L"C:/ONLINE/lib" src/libsign.a include/cv097.lib lib/cvaux097.lib lib/cvcam097.lib lib/cxcore097.lib lib/cxts001.lib lib/highgui097.lib lib/libsign.a lib/libwacom.a lib/trs.lib ../Dev-Cpp/lib/WNTAB32X.LIB ../Dev-Cpp/lib/WINTAB32.LIB

include/cv097.lib: file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make.exe: *** [online.exe] Error 1

Execution terminated "