marlon ng 0 Newbie Poster

Hi! Beginner here. I'm using VB 6.0 . I created a new Access database (.mdb) using Visual Data Manager (from Add-Ins). If I right-click on a blank space in the Database Window, and click New Table in the context menu, a Table Structure window would appear. In it, I'm supposed to enter data into some textboxes and choose which checkboxes to check, but I don't understand what they mean. Here are my questions:

1. I know that 'Size' refers to the maximum number of characters that can be entered. What does checkboxes 'FixedLength' and 'VariableLength' mean in relation to 'Size'?

2. What is 'CollatingOrder'?

3. What is 'AllowZeroLength'?

4. There is a 'Required' checkbox, what exactly is it refering to? Is it refering to the 'OrdinalPosition'? Because it is beside 'OrdinalPosition'.

5. What is 'ValidationText', 'ValidationRule', and 'DefaultValue'?

6. What is an Index? What should be in the 'Index List'? Why is 'PrimaryKey' in the Index List? (in one of the tables in the Biblio.mdb example provided by MS)

7. What do these checkboxes mean: Unique, IgnoreNull, Foreign?

8. In Visual Data Manager, if I open the Biblio.mdb file, then right-click the Authors table and click 'Design', the data provided in the 'Fields:' textbox is '+Au_ID' . Why is that?

That's it for now. Thanks a lot guys!!!

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