Mr.Wobbles 0 Light Poster

I have code that opens and closes the connection to the database via table adapters every time I update because it was throwing concurrency and other database exceptions left and right. Now, if I try to navigate through the records it throws concurrency exceptions? I can add, edit, delete records just fine now but just navigating is a problem.

To give an idea what I have done to correct concurrency errors I have pasted a bit of code below.

Try Me.TableAdapter.Connection.Open() Me.TableAdapter.Update(Me.PortfolioDBDataSet.Table) Catch dbcx As Data.DBConcurrencyException Dim response As Windows.Forms.DialogResult response = MessageBox.Show("Concurrency Exception") Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex) Finally Me.TableAdapter.Connection.Close()End Try

Using VB 2005 Express and Microsoft Access 2003. Any other information that you need to know just ask. Thanks for any help!

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