tulsafork 0 Newbie Poster

Hello VB forum users.

I've a problem with a Book Depository I am trying to create in VB 6.

Right now I have Text box's that display information about a book. I also have a list box that lists all the Barcodes of the books, that are stored in my Access database. When you select a barcode in the list it populates the information.

I also have a scanner that the school will be using to access this information quickly.

The Problem.
The scanner reads one bit of information at a time and sends it to the computer, just as you would type, one letter at a time this reads and sends one letter or number at a time. So if i simply use a on text change command it only reads the first item in the barcode and we have a error code. I want to be able to click in the list box or in a text box scan a barcode and have it poplulate.

Is there a "on text change wait 2 seconds then bar.text = Recordset!barcode" that I could use?
Is there a If > Else statment that would work that I may have over looked to make this work?
I do not want a search command button.
Attached is a Ziped copy of my application. I dont think I made referance outside of this folder but then again connecting to database may be messed up a little bit.
Edit form and View form are very much alike but Edit is the one i have been fussing with, to access it view the View forms code and change the menu button action to say edit.show insted of login.show

anyone that can help me /bow Thank you.

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