vedmack 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hi I have built a web site using Struts/Tiles... in one of the tiles i got iframe in which I load a XML file from the server

like this

<iframe name="showXml" frameborder="no" src="filename.xml" width="100%" height="100%" ></iframe>

the problem is that after I'm updating the file in other Tile (and the file is really being updated on the server) the web page is being reload and the iframe also, But... the shown Xml file is old and not updated...
If i close FF/IE and reopen it again I will see the updated file...

My question is what I need to do so the Updated Xml file will be shown (and not the old one) ?

I did try several things:

" response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache");
response.setDateHeader ("Expires", 0);
and tried putting it in HTML META tags

also tried <% session.invalidate(); %>

but nothing works.....

Any Ideas?

Thanks ahead!