fayenot 0 Newbie Poster

Can anyone please help me figure a way on how to search in a gridview using the autocomplete extender. i found some reference in doing such however im having a problem

because in the example he is using objectdatasource while in my example im using sqldatasource.. here is the code that he uses and i cant find a way to convert it to fit my website.. 


    public static string[] GetCompletionList(string prefiText, int count, string contextKey)
        //prefiText: the text the user has entered thus far
        // count: the number of suggestions returned
        //contextKey: the column name to fetch suggestions for
        return new CustomeDataObjetc().GetCompletionList(contextKey, prefiText, count);

The CustomerDataObject is where im having a compilation error when i debug it, i tried replacing it with the name of my sqldatasource however it still did not work.. any other suggestions on searching using autocomplete exter is welcome..thanks..looking forward for your help guys...