ricksvoid -1 Light Poster

Ive created a realestate application that allows the agent to upload photos along with a description of the estate, price, bedrooms and financial options. On the buyers side ive used a forms view to enable a viewer to browse through records and display images directly from the database.
Everything seems to be working fine but what id really like to do is have the ability to click on a thumbnail version of the images in order to display a much larger image in either a seperate window or table.
How can this be acomplished? what kind of event handler should i use? Since the image buttons are generated dynamicaly, how can I reference the imageURL? I am familiar with VB, Javascript, and ASP.net markup

<aspqlDataSource ID="names" runat="server" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient"
ConnectionString="<%$ConnectionStrings:Monday %>" SelectCommand="SELECT person_image1, person_image2, person_image3 From people" />

<asp:FormView ID="FormView" runat="server" DataSourceID="names" AllowPaging="true">
<asp:ImageButton id="thumb" runat="server" Height="150" Width="200" ImageUrl='<%# Eval("person_image1") %>'
<asp:ImageButton id="thumb" runat="server" Height="150" Width="200" ImageUrl='<%# Eval("person_image2") %>'
<asp:ImageButton id="thumb" runat="server" Height="150" Width="200" ImageUrl='<%# Eval("person_image3") %>'/>

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