scorpionz 1 Junior Poster

Hi this is Scorpionz
How are you doing all hope so fine
I am using fckeditor "of type javascipt " in my code.

here is the code:

<script type="text/javascript">

window.onload = function()
    var sBasePath = './fckeditor/' ;
    var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('message') ;
      oFCKeditor.BasePath = sBasePath ; 
      oFCKeditor.Width = '600px';
      oFCKeditor.Height = '400px';

and i created this textarea, It is counting the chracter and decreasing the limit like 300 chracter allowed.... like this , When i placed the code of fckeditor it is doing nothing, not using the attributes of textarea...How to fix that,
the code is there

<form name="createmessageform" method="post" action="">
<textarea name="message" id="message" wrap="physical" onkeyup="limiter()" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea>
<script language=javascript>
document.write("<input type=text name=limit size=4 readonly value="+count+" style='border-color:#F5F5F5; background-color:#F5F5F5;border-width:0px;'>");
</script> chracter allowed

Any response will be highly appreciated.
