AussieCannon 0 Newbie Poster

I am trying to make a script that automatically votes in this poll that is a competition. It is located to start off there was no email field required so through some experimentation and dissection of there code I found everytime I loaded my school would get a vote. Now with the email field required my idea is to generate a random fake email for each vote.

function submitVote2(pollID)
        var newurl;
        //var pollID;
  var getinfo;
  var user;
  var pass;
  var email;
  var optionID;
  var extraGet;

  getinfo = document.location.pathname + escape(;

  //pollID = document.getElementById('POLL_ID').value;
  newurl = base_url + "/insertPoll.php?poll_id="+pollID+"&redirect="+getinfo;

     user = document.getElementById('poll_username').value;
     pass = document.getElementById('poll_password').value;
     if(user == '' || pass == '')
         alert('Please enter user name & password.');
         return true;
     extraGet = "&p="+pass+"&u="+user;
     newurl = newurl + extraGet;

     email = document.getElementById('poll_email').value;
     if(email == '')
       alert('Please enter email address');
       return true;
     newurl = newurl + "&email="+email;
  if(document.getElementById('option_id').value != 'NOTSET')
    optionID = document.getElementById('option_id').value;
    newurl = newurl + "&optionID="+optionID;
    ajax.sendRequest(newurl, "GET", true );

    alert("Please make a selection");

that is the javascript code used to send your vote, with the DOM inspector i found the option_id to be 486193 and the poll_id to be 99878. My question is not how to generate the random email or anything, but I was using scripting via greasemonkey and am unsure how i could do that to reproduce the same effect while generating new emails constantly. I have a feeling my message may be somewhat confusing, I'll do my best to clarify and would love to hear any suggestions as to how you might go about approaching this problem.