whisper_101 1 Light Poster

Hi Guys

I run a Job Advertsing Site and I would like to feature links to jobs on the home page. So I have created a schedule file with the following information:

Home Page<a href="http://www.myhomepage.com">link.</a>

First Page<a href="http://www.myfirstpage.com">link.</a>

and upon refreshing it displays each link for the period of time specified.

I have a few questions:

What will I have to do to get both links to be displayed at the same time and each time the user refreshes they change position i.e:

Home Page<a href="http://www.myhomepage.com">link.</a>

First Page<a href="http://www.myfirstpage.com">link.</a>

First Page<a href="http://www.myfirstpage.com">link.</a>

Home Page<a href="http://www.myhomeepage.com">link.</a>

and I'm not sure I understand the parameter which determines the amount of time each link is displayed for i.e:#x

If I want each link to be displayed each time a user refreshes what number for each parameter would I use?

Thanks for all your help

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