iThaos 0 Light Poster

I was reading how having globals inside a method was not good.
Something like this.

class one{
	function one(){
		return "Returned one";

$ones = new one;

class two{
	public $one;
	function two(){
	function tree(){
		global $ones;
		echo $ones->one();

$callme = new two;

That worked well but is not a good way to go.

Now, I did something like this.

class one{
	function one(){
		return "returned one";

class two{
	public $one;
	function two(){
		$this->one = new one;
	function tree(){
		echo $this->one->one();

$callme = new two;

Hey! Who knew that $this->class->method(); would work. (Well maybe most of you but I didn't.)

Anyway, is this is a good/standard practice though?