cheapterp 0 Light Poster

Hi all,
I have a form where my colleagues enter basic details about participants in a study. The 'action' attribute of the form takes the control to a 'validateForm.cfm' script where, as the name suggests, form validation is done. If there are any problems, I show the errors as well as the form itself, this time populating the fields with the data they entered previously.

To show the form after it has been submitted, I use the <cfinclude template /> tag in validateForm.cfm. The validateForm script can be called twice from my site:
1. When the user enters a NEW participant.
2. When the user edits an EXISTING participant data.

Since both times the validation is done by the 'validateForm.cfm' script, I cannot hard-code the template name in <cfinclude>. I tried using <cfinclude template=#CGI.HTTP_REFERER# /> too, but I get a 'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect' error.

What am I missing?
