ClaudeVernier 0 Newbie Poster


I have started to work on a new implementation of a shopping basket,
some of it is not working as I would like it to do and so,
I thought I could ask for an advice.

I have included the full HTML page in a ZIP attachment, it is a standalone web page, the external links refer to the JQuery web site.

The idea is to provide a web page (with ASP.Net but I'm not there yet...)
On the left, a caddie where user will drop anything he wants to buy, cut
down in products categories. On the right, the toolbox with the categories
and the products.

I'm planning to fill the toolbox at runtime with .Net and JSON but for the moment,
it is static. For the categories, it is a JQuery draggable accordion
but I would like more control on its height and I can't find how.

For the shopping basket, JQuery enables me to drag and drop the products on one
sortable list by category.

I need that one product interface be modified when added to a category, in the future,
I will add spin buttons for the quantity and other fields for properties of the JSON
object, currently it is only is the style that is modified using CSS classes.

My main concern is that drag and drop does not work EVERY time and I can't reproduce
the problem, it seems quite random. I am able to drag and drop a few products but,
when I get to products in lower categories, the shopping basket stops reading the drops.

If you I could get any advice on this or on the overall design of this page,
it would help me a lot since I am new on this.

Thanks a lot for any help, and please understand that my first
language is not english so thank you to tell me if I'm being unclear.

Writing from Paris, France, best regards,