manikandan_dani 0 Newbie Poster

Hi ,

I am developing web application using JSF2.0 richfaces. In this application, i am using <rich:extendedDataTable/> table for loading the data from mysql.

My problem is how to select the perticular row value from this table. My sample code here. but it is not working...

<rich:extendedDataTable height="220px" width="300px" value="#{AddDocumentBean.perBatchAll}" selection="#{AddDocumentBean.selection}" var="category" selectionMode="single" id="sampleData1" rowKeyVar="rkv" columnClasses="col" >
<rich:column width="300px">
<f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Batch Name" /></f:facet>

from the above example, I dont know what is selection, binding ....

please give the some sample code for this problem with backend bean..

thanks in advance.