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Ummm, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but I've been having some problems with XML. I'm using Java to make an XML file that breaks apart classes into segments, but for some reason, it won't allow me to input newlines.

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
- <classInformation>
- <className>
  <superClass>class java.lang.Object</superClass> 
  <classes /> 
  [B]<methods>public java.lang.String XMLBuild.CreateXML(java.lang.Class) throws private static java.lang.String XMLBuild.Version() private static void XMLBuild.Methods(java.lang.Class, private static void XMLBuild.Fields(java.lang.Class, private static void XMLBuild.Classes(java.lang.Class,</methods> [/B]   <fields /> 

I'm putting in new lines every time I post a different method, but when I open the XML file after I make it, those linebreaks dissappear. Is this an automatic thing that I can't fix?

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