McLaren 3 Posting Whiz in Training
function function1()
		//nereik php validation, nes adminas formos net nepasieks jei js isjungtas
		$data = array(
			'name' => $this->input->post('album_name')
		$query = $this->db->insert('album_name',$data);
		$id = $this->db->insert_id();
		$success = mkdir('./uploads/gallery/'.$id);	//albumo folderio vardas bus id
		$success2 = mkdir('./uploads/gallery/'.$id.'/thumbs');	//mazi paveiksliukai
		if(!$success || !$success2)
			echo 'fail';
			echo $id;

Lets say I have this function for administrator panel. With ajax it calls it, and as you can see creates record to a database and directories.

There is not much what can hacker do, except he can make a many folders and database records if he knows that function name and the urkl to that function.

I could make a chek if administrator is logged in, in that function. Then a hacker could not run this. But the question is - do I need to do that? Can a hacker know somehow how to call that function?

He know only site name like

So if the function is like there :

is it possible for him to find it amd run?

Btw I am using codeigniter framework, but probably this does not change anything.

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